Initial Consultation

Generally a consultation will last an hour where questions will be asked around your issues

At the end of our consultation, we will discuss my thoughts and findings

You may be referred to other holistic practitioners, your GP, or blood tests may be required

A personalised treatment plan will be created to suit your requirements. It may consist of any combination of herbal liquid extracts, teas, tablets, supplements, and suggested dietary and lifestyle improvements

Skype consultations may be available

Follow-Up Consultation

The purpose of the follow-up consultation is to ensure that the client is coping, improving, and feeling supported. If needed, it is also an opportunity to make changes to the plan depending on current results

Initially, follow-up consultations will occur about every 2 weeks. As time goes on, follow-up appointments may be scheduled further apart as appropriate for the client

Herbal Tinctures

These are the liquid extracts of herbs which are based in alcohol or glycerine. A herbal formula often consists of a variety of herbs to suit the individual person’s requirements.

Herbal Tablets

A convenient way to take herbs. These are dried or powdered and then tableted.

Herbal Teas

A gentle and effective way to use herbs, particularly enjoyable if an individual enjoys tea.

How long will a treatment take?

Herbal treatments tend to be gradual but they can also effect immediate changes in an individual’s health and feeling of vitality.

Generally, the longer the problem has been then it will take time to resolve. However, the length of treatment will depend on an individual response and specific problem.


Contact Me!

If you have any questions about my services, contact me today by clicking the button below – I would love to have a chat with you!  
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